Nå som Stavanger har blitt et mekka for ølturister, tok BR med seg kamera og mikrofon for å finne turistene og høre hvilke minner de eventuelt har fra i går.
Billy Lager, London
I really don’t know as much about the local breweries as I should, but I overheard the locals ordering a beer called Halitah, so I sprung for that.
Steve Cook, Huddersfield
I went to Gossip with the lads for a few cheeky bevvies and got well hammered. Woke up this morning with a black eye and a kebab on my pillow. That would’ve been fine, like, if it hadn’t already been eaten once, mind.
Faye K. Noose, Los Angeles
It’s so difficult to find a decent drink here in the Arctics! I just can’t believe I spent all of last night wandering from bar to bar asking for a simple locally sourced, organic, gluten free, vegan glitter ale without finding anything! You people need to get with the times!